Thursday 26 December 2013

500 word intro

essay plan:

A photo project from the eyes of the people on the street, documenting themselves. how people behave in front of the camera, reflecting the anxiety about identity and the anxiety about being photographed and "existing". Relates to fluidity, self, culture. Bring in Sontang, etc

-start off talking about street photography and a brief over-view of how people behave in front of the camera and how it relates to different people's anxiety's about society and photography.
-would then talk about the project- give people a camera, ask them to take a photograph, see what happens.
-mention the seflie, and the idea about self-photography, and then need to photograph yourself because you are represented all the time by security cameras.
-Talk about how this has meant a constant reproduction of images of self. Reproduction of reality and then reality becoming photography.
-Talk about the construction of self to the rest of the world; influenced by intextuality
-The constant production fo self and reproduction of self; identity is fluid and disposable.

I am currently also in the process of making the film which i am going to hand in on the 7th. The film will look a but like this one (if i am lucky)

i am having a lot of trouble getting people to interact with the camera while not seeing me. I am going to spend tomorrow in various locations trying out different techniques. Tomorrow is set to be sunny and nice, so hopefully this will be good!

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