Thursday 28 November 2013


We did some more feedback of ideas. I also realised that I have lots and lots of things which link to my work, but it needs to be more specific. Interestingly, the rest of the class responded to the photos by saying that they were abut how people acted in relation to cameras; it was about the behaviour of humans in the presence of the camera, how they pose, how they think through what they are expected and about how analogue is different to digital surveillance. This is not how I was thinking- I was much more interested in the idea of how people are giving me a personal moment and I'm giving it to the public; I guess i was focusing on the method and not the photos.
I could change the project, so it was a focus on these ideas- the behaviour of people in front of a camera- by the idea of posing, of setting up a representation of themselves and acting in a certain way. I could link this into the ideas that we use photography as a way to experience things, to construct a reality; even if they do not know who the audience are.
This is still lots of ideas. I don't want to pick one because there is no much you can read into it. I also liked my ideas about how to display it with private/public.

"A photography project which investigates the way the public behave when asked to photograph themselves. It will particularly looking at how in our hyper-real, photo-mediated society, the way we photograph is informed by this this constant representation, but also how such a society changes our views on what is private, and how now, to photograph is to make reality 'real'." 

I might have to cut this down more too (at least for this presentation next week) But this seems like a good basis. I have a few more books to read on this subject, so i'll read after taking notes on them. I was wondering whether the way I want to display the photos link to this. My ideas of display where very much linked to the private/public- so the photo book and the tent. I was also struct today (after i took all my photos into class) that everyone loved looking through the little booklets of photos, and being able to look at the photos themselves. In this case, I was wondering whether I could just have a gallery space with a big frame, and then just have each booklet pinned there; people can through the photos themselves.  This doesn't really link to the main point of the project; I could say that by putting these photos (which are street photos, disposable, given to me freely, disposable identities) in a place which is the one place photos are considered art, and to be stared at- that I am giving these street-disposable-shit images a place to be looked at, and studied....

I need to think about this more. BUT on other news, for my film to be handed in January, I have written a shot list:
1) Making cameras- close ups, not really sure what they mean. Close up of writing, etc.
2) Fast paced cycle to town, and hang up photos.
3) cameras flapping in the wind, etc.
4) People looking and not interacting.
5) Cameras in the wind.
6) People interacting.
7) Some of the photos. Me explaining the stories of them.
8) More interaction/hanging cameras, VO of me explaining about the project (maybe?)
9) taking cameras at end of day, full.
10) getting photos at boots, looking at them.
11) More photos

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