Tuesday 19 November 2013

ideas from an Inspirational photographer, ideas for hand in, ideas for theory, ideas for display, ideas ideas ideas SWEEET AS

Lots of stuff to get through today!!! Firstly and foremostly,

1) new cameras were put out. First one was stolen :( but, others are all fine, woooop!

2) A new photographer: Joachim Schmid.
he is a photographer who has done lots of stuff, but mostly stuff to do with "found photography"- I have an article written here in the "British Journal of Photography" (issue October 2011) which talks about this. Schmid is a photographer (or "visual artist", as he explains) from Germany, who became famous by taking photos which he found discarded in bins, photo booths, at flea markets and such. These photos are sometimes ripped up, and in bad condition. He plays with photos also, but linking different bodies and heads together in a seamless "portrait", where the two people match, and it takes a second to realize that they are different. My favorite is this one:

The ambiguity of the image, that it is ripped in 4, found in a skip- suggest a girlfriend, an argument, a break up. It is the nature of the photography as a found artifact which makes the story, not the photograph itself. This is pretty cool.
The article is pretty good, it explains how Schmit decides that photos are "big lies/ that the family photo is a tiny peice of reality, it has already been edited, cropped, chosen, framed, dressed etc"- the reality of family life wasn't these staged photos. I liked how Schmit collected photos which were under/over exposed/rotting, because he believed that these were "more real", because they showed photographic process. This is pretty cool (and links to my photos!)
i also like the things he is doing now- collecting images online, on flickr. He has a good quote from this: "If we accept that we are living in a reality of images, then we have to look at them not as photos of the world, but as the world. Found photographs are as much part of the world as anything else."

3) Ideas for hand in, in January: I will try to get as much footage as possible, and then will film myself putting the camera up, and then have a film of people interacting with the camera. I will hand in (something) with photos on. This is easy and takes of the pressure to make an online project!

4) For display: every image taken on the wall in a big explosion! It's a project about how people interact with photographs and how fluid representation and image is- need to have lots of ideas. this will come later, i guess. I did want to include rubbish as part of the display (message in a bottle...) but not sure how this will work!

5) Theorists:

-Fluidity of image
-Give image away; so normal to be photographed.
-representation and documentation.
-Analogue vs detail.

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